Fruit Tree Pruning
January - March 2024
Why get your fruit trees pruned?
Promotes better fruit production
Insures good form and shape
Disease control
Increases longevity of tree
Maintains a healthy immune system
(Putting it off puts your tree a year behind)
Tree Size
5' or less - $45 per tree
6'-10' - $55 per tree
Mature Trees - Custom Quote
Haul-off not available at this time.
(Coeur d'Alene, Hayden, Post Falls, Dalton Gardens, Rathdrum, Athol, Spokane Valley Area)

Meet the Team
We are a husband-and-wife team that are passionate about bringing correct horticultural practices into our community.

Owner & creative-director of the company, Rebekah cares deeply about the earth & values correct teaching methods to help others be great stewards of the earth. With her knowledge & experience in arboriculture, your fruit trees are in good hands.

Ben has an incredible eye when it comes to landscaping. He is very detail-oriented & focuses on getting every last pruning cut right. With his trustworthy, dedicated attitude, he pushes every project forward to completion.

Our Back Story
It all started in the apple orchard. We were up to our knees in snow, trying to finish off the last bit of pruning on an apple tree. That winter in particular was incredibly cold & windy, so our fingers and toes were quickly telling us it was time to take a break.
We folded our ladders up, threw the last of the branches into a big pile, and stepped back to see our work. With it being February, it was just the skeleton of the tree so we could see the beautiful branching the apple tree had been working on for years now. It already knows exactly what its doing - growing and spreading how it needs to in order to survive & promote its fruit.
It hit me in that moment that the work we do is beyond valuable & needs to be continued. Trees and plants have it ingrained in their DNA exactly how to do everything they need, but there's a special touch that only humans can provide. Without yearly pruning, a fruit tree would become a tangled mess - still producing fruit here and there but not living to its full potential. It's a beautiful relationship between the earth and Her caregivers - they both need each other to reach their maximum, fullest self. Each tree to us is a symbol of that relationship, and we believe that when we take care of the earth, She talks back & provides ten-fold in return.
With our experience pruning, working, and directing a professional orchard, we bring our capabilities to you & your fruit trees. We hope to be a small part of your gardening/landscaping journey in creating a better life for you and your fruit trees. We hope to come back every year to keep helping your trees and to hear your stories of the lives it has blessed with its fruit.
Past Seasons
Thus Far...





We prune between the months of January and March.
The winter is the best time of year to do heavy pruning while the tree is dormant. It is less stressful on the tree and helps them jump back into full-production once spring hits.
If we wait until spring, we run the chance of pruning off fruit buds which will decrease and possibly cancel out the fruit production that year.
Diseases are suppressed during the winter, so the possible spread of diseases, bugs, & infections is significantly less.
Why prune in the winter?
Common Fruit Tree Problems
Yearly pruning helps to maintain a healthy immune system for the tree and can help control pests, diseases, and fungal issues.

Fire Blight
This is a devastating but very common bacteria that quickly spreads. It's easy to spot and can be kept under control if caught early. It causes leaf, branch, and eventual total death.

Powedery Mildew
This fungus causes a white powder like substance to cover leaves. It limits photosynthesis, which decreases the production of fruit and overall growth. It happens in wet conditions and can spread easily.

Black Knot &
other fungal diseases
There are a host of other diseases that can plague fruit trees, and it's important to look for anything that is unusual such as tumor like growths, leaf curl, mushy fruit, hole-filled fruit, etc.

Let's get to know you and your fruit trees.
Start here to get booked this winter!
After submitting your information, we will contact you with an estimate on time & cost, & then schedule a time to come out.